Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Denial...ah how we will miss thee

We’ve been in denial for awhile. It’s been 2 ½ years since my exit from the workforce to stay home with our 3 kids and our bank account and line of credit yo-yo unhappily along.

When we made the decision to have me stay home, we thought we’d done the math well…afterall we’d had a sneak peek at the single income life when my husband stayed at home for a year after our second child was born (with parental leave support).

We’d already gotten rid of one car, started paying closer attention to the food flyers in our mailbox, cut dinners and fancy haircuts from our budget and re-examined our tv/phone expenses. We could do this. Couldn’t we?

Well…maybe...but then we convinced ourselves that the great deal on the bigger house to accommodate us was necessary for our pint sized crew, and the renos were a must to make this new space work for us. Yadda-Yadda-Yadda, spending frenzy ensued until AHHHHHHHHH! Our naturally debt-adverse selves realized what we’d done and freaked out.

Despite the freak-out and residual stress, I still love being home with my kids and want to protect our family life from the former chaos known to us as double income.

But the bills still need to be paid. So we’re now on a journey of sorts. End destination – debtlessness or at least a plan to get there.

I invite you to come along for the ride. Learn from my many poorly-hatched $$ making ventures and mistakes along the way. Maybe you'll find one you can improve upon or live with.

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